#9 Ben Burns @TheFutur - Teaching designers how to run a creative business

Ben Burns Beyond Users.png

Ben Burns is an award-winning designer, a digital director at Blind, brand strategy design consultancy, and COO at The Futur (business education for designers). Ben has a fascinating story that took him from charging 50$ a logo to 100$ an hour and that ultimately changed his career. 

In this episode, we talked about topics related to running a creative business such as :

  • why you should not look for more clients but better clients,

  • what to say to your clients when you try to raise your rates,

  • and how to sell brand work at the premium rates (5 or 6 figures).


Show notes:

  • 2:20 How Did Ben get into design?

  • 11:30 What skills does Ben look for when hiring designers?

  • 11:00 Ben's years in law enforcement

  • 13:10 How Ben got back to design after his time in a police department

  • 20:00 Is "charge more" really a good advice for someone who is just starting out?

  • 23:35 How Ben increased his rates from 50$ a logo to 100$ per hour over night

  • 28:45 What to say to a client when you try to raise prices (Ben's script)

  • 31:50 Who is a good client?

  • 33:10 How and when do you ask a client for a budget?

  • 36:10 How do you sell branding work at premium rates?

  • 40:00 Why you should niche down (and how to do it)?

  • 43:45 What is wrong with traditional design schools?

  • 46:45 What skills do young designers who apply at Blind and Futur lack?

  • 48:30 Curriculum of The Futur's courses

  • 50:10 The worst advice being given to young designers

  • 51:40 What advice would Ben give to young designers

  • 52:30 What is the one thing about design Ben changed his mind about?


#10 Jonathan Courtney @AJ&Smart: UX has become a commodity


#8 Kate Rutter @California College: How to measure and quantify design