#5 Bobby Ghoshal @Candid Co: How to do user research that is rooted in business

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Bobby Ghoshal is a co-host of a famous design podcast High Resolution and a co-founder of a startup Candid Co. He has more than 15 years of experience in the design world and is a big proponent of bringing design closer to business. 

In this episode we spoke about:

  • how to do user research that is rooted in business problems

  • how to measure and present results of your design work,

  • and how to hire and train a design team to become more business-savvy.

Listen to the episode

Show notes:

  • 3:55 How did Bobby get into design?

  • 7:45 How 11-year old Bobby sold his art to parents

  • 11:20 How Bobby's early sales experience translated into design

  • 13:30 How to recognize if a designer is business-savvy?

  • 16:40 How to train a designer to become more business-savvy?

  • 21:30 How Bobby and his team does user research that is rooted in business challenges?

  • 36:45 How does design team at Candid Co track and present results of design work?

  • 41:15 Bobby's advice for designers who are just starting

  • 46:25 What is one thing Bobby changed his mind about design after recording High Resolution?



#6 Dr. Sudy Majd @Candid Co: How to do user research rooted in business II


#4 Marc Hemeon @Facebook: Design is not art